Sunday, June 22, 2008

Welcome to Hel- I mean Reality!

Hello, my name is Daniel, and I live inside a giant squid. One of my brotheres is made out of tinker toys and the other is a tuna-fish sandwich. My parents are both time traveling researchers who bring me cool stuff, like giant gingerbread men out to take over the world! Of course, I stop them by eatsing thems alls up! MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! and thats reality for you!

Ok, now I'm being seroius (if you thought the above paragraph was serious, I recommend giving me all your money: its the cure to cancer, or any other disease that will eventually kill you all off.) OK, my name is Daniel Ryan Shaughnessy. Fact. I am 15 years old as of July 12, 2008. Fact. I have a younger sister named Keelin. Fact. I live with a parakeet the size of a whale that can tell the future by eating oreos. Lie. I live in Coronado, the only town that requires permission to shoot tourists. I wish... ANyways, the pooint of this blog is to tell you the truth about reality... and that is the fact that it sucks and we are all going to die one day. SO HAVE FUN WHILE YOU CAN (AND I WAS SERIOUS ABOUT THAT SENDING ME ALL YOUR MONEY THING...NO, REALLY!)

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