Thursday, November 12, 2009


However, this post is only a mild distraction while my associate sneaks up behind you, knocks you out, and steals you wallet. Yay, money for me.

However, I do have a point to make. In the past months, I have developed a few strange hobbies. I have many, but will put them in a list of 5. The order does not denominate importance.

1. This is awesome, especially if you are into industrial history. This is a site that is about how people break into (alright, not NECESSARILY legal, but nobody gets hurt, right?) and explore old buildings, shut down factories, tunnels, and other awesome abandoned areas. I cannot recommend this higher to anyone interested in experiencing history.

2. This site is also extremely bomb. They are theater people who go around doing random stuff in public for fun and amusement of the observers. If you want, try joining the local chapter. I might.

3. Maybe it is just me, but I find this comic absolutely amazing. No matter how hard I try to suppress the reflex, I always have to check this site for updates.

4. Writing a book. Yeah, more on this later. No seriously, if I find the time I will say more about this.

5. Cooking. Yes. YES.YES! Recently, I have become obsessed with making a holiday soup in a bread bowl for a group of people. It is going to be: awesome.


Thomas Luppi said...

Questionable content is the best.

Wells said...

Yes it is